Embarking on a weight loss journey after 50 can be daunting, particularly when faced with the myths of restrictive diets and intense willpower. However, what if achieving your goals didn’t require giving up your favorite foods or pushing aside what you enjoy? In today’s discussion on the Get Your Goal Podcast, we dive into a transformative approach to weight loss that defies conventional wisdom. Join Paula B, certified life and weight loss coach and author, as she reveals five unexpected things she gave up to lose weight during menopause—and how shifting her mindset changed everything. If you’re ready to redefine what weight loss looks like after 50, and to do it sustainably, then this conversation is for you. Let’s explore how you can keep the weight off for good while enjoying every step of the journey.
Letting Go of Self-Pity
One of the first things I gave up was feeling sorry for myself. It might seem harmless, but self-pity was a constant companion that prevented me from reaching my weight loss goals. I realized that feeling sorry for myself meant believing I couldn’t have what I wanted. This mindset led to a perpetual cycle of almost reaching my goal and then slipping back due to self-doubt and sadness. Letting go of self-pity allowed me to embrace the reality that I could achieve my goals, which was both liberating and empowering.
No More Blame Game
Blaming others was another hurdle. This habit manifested in how I viewed my choices—whether about food, exercise, or other lifestyle decisions. Blaming external circumstances or people made me feel powerless, as if I had no agency over my actions. However, acknowledging that I am in control of my decisions, regardless of external influences, shifted my perspective. Reframing my language to “I choose to eat this for dinner” rather than “I have to eat this” made the choices feel intentional and self-directed, reducing the burden of resentment.
Silencing Self-Criticism
Negative body image is a significant barrier to weight loss, and for many years, I found myself stuck in a loop of self-criticism. This habit involved dissecting my appearance in the mirror, never satisfied with what I saw. It became clear that my critique was less about my physical appearance and more about ingrained habits of negative self-talk. By consciously choosing to think kind thoughts about my body, I was able to cultivate a more positive relationship with myself, appreciating my body’s capabilities and beauty rather than focusing on perceived flaws.
Embracing Self-Discovery
A pivotal change was discarding the belief that I couldn’t figure things out. Menopause brought unexpected changes, but it also was an opportunity to experiment with a better understanding of my needs. The confusing information from various sources could make anyone feel overwhelmed. Instead of jumping from one fad diet to another, I employed the scientific method I had learned in school: observe, hypothesize, experiment, and analyze. This approach led to a more personalized understanding of what worked for my body.
Ending the Weight Loss Cycle
The final and perhaps most challenging relinquishment was the notion of perpetual weight loss. Throughout my life, losing weight was a constant goal, becoming part of my identity. Achieving my “final” weight loss goal meant redefining myself without the ever-present desire to lose more weight. This was a mental shift, moving from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance and contentment. It necessitated embracing the idea that I could maintain my weight comfortably without the need to diet endlessly.
This journey of weight loss after 50 illustrated that change isn’t just physical but involves a profound mental shift. Rather than giving up foods or activities I enjoyed, success lay in relinquishing unhelpful thoughts and habits. Weight loss became less about restriction and more about mental freedom, choosing kindness towards myself and gratitude for the process.
For those on their own journeys, remember that the changes that matter most often happen internally rather than externally. Shifting your mindset can illuminate new paths to achieve your goals. When you’re ready to embrace these changes, consider joining supportive communities like the Get Your Goal Membership, where the focus is on sustainable lifestyle shifts rather than restrictive dieting. Here, the journey to weight loss becomes one of self-discovery and enduring transformation.